PISTIS inaugural Living Lab

The inaugural PISTIS Living Lab - Exploring Data Connectivity for Data-Driven Companies took place on 14th December. The event centered around the theme of unlocking the potential within data spaces for SMEs, emphasizing the exponential impact of data on various industries. The inaugural PISTIS Living Lab showcased compelling use cases spanning urban planning, energy, and [...]

By |2024-01-11T10:43:09+00:00December 15, 2023|Events, News|

PISTIS at the European Big Data Value Forum 2023: technologies enabling the data economy

PISTIS is attending the European Big Data Value Forum 2023, in Valencia. On 26th October at 12:15, the project coordinator Yury Glikman from Fraunhofer FOKUS represents the PISTIS project at the Session entitled "Technologies enabling the data economy". This session will explore the pivotal role of AI, Data Trading, and Interoperability in shaping the future [...]

By |2023-10-25T13:54:10+00:00October 25, 2023|Events, News|

Trustful sharing of valuable data among organisations: PISTIS as Data Spaces enabler

The European project PISTIS aims at delivering a secure and controlled platform for the exchange and usage of data assets and data-driven intelligence. PISTIS, a new project funded by European Union, stands for Promoting and Incentivising Federated, Trusted, Fair Sharing and Trading of Interoperable Data Assets. Started in January 2023 under the coordination of Fraunhofer Institute [...]

By |2023-07-21T07:45:01+00:00July 19, 2023|News|

DataWeek23 has come to an end!

This year the Data Week was co-organised by Big Data Value Association and the EUHubs4Data project in collaboration with the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), from 13th to 15th June in Luleå, Sweden. 200+https://www.ri.se/en participants enjoyed the sessions, panels and talks on the theme was: Data Meets Infrastructure at the Edge“. As promised, PISTIS participated with its sister [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:04:51+00:00June 16, 2023|News|

PISTIS meets for the 2nd Plenary Assemby in Limassol

On 10th and 11th May the PISTIS Consortium met in presence in Limassol, Cyprus, to discuss the status of the ongoing activities and the steps of the next months. The 2nd General Assembly of PISTIS was hosted by SUITE5 in the amazing ATLANTICA Miramare Beach Hotel. The agenda was rich but the sun and [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:05:05+00:00May 13, 2023|News|

Get-to-know: an introductory day for the Data Projects

On 23 February, Yury Glikmand and Sotiris Koussouris, the project and technical coordinators of PISTIS, respectively, participated to an online workshop with other 25 new projects from HorizonEurope Cluster 4 – Destination 3 WP2021-22. It was an introductory and welcome day to DataProjects organised by BDVA - Big Data Value Association as part of the Data Spaces [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:05:27+00:00February 24, 2023|News|

PISTIS has started!

The new European-funded project PISTIS is at its ribbon cutting. In Greek mythology, Pistis was the personification of good faith, trust and reliability. And, indeed, the acronym PISTIS stands for Promoting and Incentivising Federated, Trusted, Fair Sharing and Trading of Interoperable Data Assets. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is coordinating the project, while SUITE5 is leading the technical part of PISTIS which will run [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:01:57+00:00February 5, 2023|News|
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